Sunday, November 22, 2009

Counting down to turkey day

I got my Thanksgiving shopping done today -- only needed cream cheese and pumpkin for my famous pumpkin cheesecake that I am contributing to dinner at my friend S's -- so I'm all set for the big day.  I'm going to be running the ORCC Turkey Trot at the zoo that morning, as well as participating in Alisa's inaugural virtual turkey trot

Tomorrow is my first personal trainer appointment at the gym.  I have been assembling some goals that I want to achieve over the next few months.  Right now I have:

- Maintain fitness through the end of the year and then start back with a marathon training program in January. 

- Improve my speed to an average ten minute mile.

- Improve my endurance, i.e., with hill training.

- Increase my flexibility to prevent injury.

- Strengthen low back and abs to prevent aggravation of chronic low back problems.

- Weight train once a week, focusing on upper body (particularly making my gigantic arms smaller).

I'll let you know how it goes.  I've also got some pics to put up, going back to my very first race and seeing how I have evolved since then. 

the CilleyGirl


  1. Let us know how it goes having a personal trainer. Those seem like great goals. I plan to begin a couch to 5K program in the early spring.

    I'm going to try to make turkey day as healthy as possible!
