Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Three days and counting to Eugene!

The weather is apparently much nicer in Eugene than it is in CilleyLand right now.  Thankfully.  All this rain up here and I was starting to make race outfit adjustments.  I don't want rain :(  So far, the forecast for Sunday is holding steady at partly cloudy with a high of 66, a low of 44, and a 20% chance of rain. 

And in case you're wondering, if you are from the Pacific Northwest your skills at reciting weather forecasts are excellent, particularly when precipitation is involved.  I imagine it is similar to those folks from tornado-prone areas.

I am having a much better bad day today, by which I mean it is much less about my personal crap and more about other crap like discovering I've perpetuated the same stupid typo throughout the five complaints I drafted yesterday plus the spellcheck got turned back on for words in all caps and it is supposed to be OFF.  Otherwise, you get new and interesting typos in your complaint captions. 

I'm off to the chiro shortly to fix my John Wayne leg so I should probably eat a sandwich first or something.  And I got nothing much else to say at the moment.  I'll let you know if any inspiration strikes later on.

the CilleyGirl


  1. only 3 more exciting!!! :)

  2. Glad you had a better day. Hope the chiro fixed your leg up good!

  3. I think the weather will be PERFECT!! Hugs to an awesome day in Eugene..
