Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thirteen Things Thursday: The Nipple Edition

1.  One of the phrases I never thought I'd have to say is "Get off my nipples!"  But I say it a lot at home these days.  Girl kitty practically inverted my nipple last night as she walked across me.  I swear, they have nipple radar.  It's not even the claws, it's just that they are big kitties.  I need to start wearing a cup or something, but for boobs.

2.  Been back reading a lot of woo-woo books these days.  Just finished Heather Graham's Bone Island trilogy (although haven't read the prequel with Bartholomew yet) and one of her Krewe books, plus I'm listening to one of Kay Hooper's Bishop/Special Crimes Unit books in my car.  Of the two I'd recommend the Bishop books over the Krewe books, mainly because I find the main romantic relationship in the Krewe books to be somewhat formulaic, but both series are really good.  I'm also catching up on the latest three Nightside books by Simon R. Green, which are just bizarre but a lot of fun.  Definitely read that series in order.

3.  I am sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly moving back towards a paleo diet.  Like a turtle in peanut almond butter slow, but still.  I've put a hold in at the library for The Paleo Coach, which is written by a local man.  Has anyone read it?

4.  Do you think we would take the Pussy Riot situation a lot more seriously if they weren't, you know, named Pussy Riot?  I find it very distracting.  Maybe it's something completely different in Russian?

5.  I've been somewhat obsessively weighing myself the past several days because my weight just kept going up.  To the point where I thought I had developed some sort of medical condition.  It started going back down today.  Maybe the kittens were standing behind me putting their paws on the scale just to mess with me or something.

6.  I was thinking about going to see The Hangover III this weekend but the reviews are kinda lousy.  Maybe I should wait until it comes out on cable (or RR buys it and brings it to my house!).

7.  Any Sookie fans out there?  I just posted a note for Charlaine Harris about how much I have enjoyed the series and that in my opinion the ending was really the only possible one -- and anyone who has read the entire series should know that.  Did you like the ending?  I do have to say, I am looking forward to the wrap-up book that is coming out this fall, that is supposed to say how everything ended up for everyone in the Sookieverse.

8.  And speaking even more about books, I love that my library system lends e-books.  Hopefully I can get my book budget back under control; it's gone a little crazy with the instant gratification of Kindle.  I do still read paper books too; in fact, was thrilled to spot a new release on the library shelve this week that I've been constantly talking myself out of buying.  I try not to spend more than $7.99 for an e-book unless it's one of about five authors, and that book didn't qualify but I still really wanted to read it.  Now I can -- for free!

9.  I was also absolutely thrilled this week to pay nothing for my birth control pills.   This benefit, thanks to the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare, had kicked in for a lot of women I know but my plan had to go through its annual renewal this year before I saw it.  Saves me $180 a year.  Clearly, affordable health care is the devil -- ask your Republican congressperson to vote to repeal this actual, not-going-anywhere law, for the 38th time.  Or don't; maybe ask them instead to get off their damn asses and do some actual work for a change?  Voting 37 times to repeal the ACA.  This is your tax dollars at work, people.  Be informed!!

10.  Ah, spring time in the Pacific Northwest.  Which means weather like today -- pouring rain and grey skies.  There used to be this great series of radio commercials where a teacher asked her class to define the difference between something like a cloudburst and a gully washer.  Something that if you grew up here you know exactly what the differences are.  Kind of like partially sunny versus partially cloudy.  Also, everybody in Portland figured that it would rain right now because (a) it's almost Memorial Day weekend and (b) Rose Festival starts up soon.  Guaranteed liquid sunshine!

11.  Not sure if I would want to be climbing Mt. Everest at age 80.  I wouldn't climb it at all actually, acrophobic and all that, but even if I wasn't afraid of heights I don't think I'd try Everest at that age.  I'd love to be able, at that age, to climb Everest.  I just wouldn't do it.

12.  Hmm, a Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage is opening this summer near me.  Anyone ever been to one of these stores?  Curious about selection and prices...

13.  I may need sushi to make it all better.  Because, it does.

the CilleyGirl

Monday, May 20, 2013

And coming in first place in the John Wayne Impression Contest, It's the CilleyGirl!

I have to say, I really do not recommend just deciding to run a half marathon after two months of nearly complete inactivity.  Because it leaves you with tight hip flexors and quads and a sore achilles and a helluva impression of John Wayne. 

"Well hey there Pilgrim..."

Yes, I lurch just a tad to the right at the moment.  I foresee a foam roller and maybe a hot tub and some tequila in my future. 

So, Portland Rock 'n Roll Half! 

Saturday was the expo with my friend Fly and her newlywed hubby.  Sadly, less vendors this year and way less in the way of samples and schwag.  Remember last year when we picked that place clean?

Last year's haul.

Nothing like that this year, nothing at all, unless they handed it all out on Friday.  This year, out of what I had last year I got the lei, the Rock 'n Roll bumper 13.1 sticker, a sample of Perform, a peanut butter Gu (came with the swag bag), and a Boston bracelet.  I could've gotten the Cascadia cereal, a couple of Larabars (two please!  only two!), and a pair of sunglasses.  That's it!  The swag for this year was a lot smaller.  I got a mini Stridebox since I had just signed up a couple of days earlier, which had the best stuff out of everything else I got (which wasn't much).  In terms of gear, I got this year's official jacket plus one of the official race tech tees which I ended up wearing for the race. 

I like this view, gravity is much kinder to me at this angle.
As for the race, did I mention you really shouldn't wing a half marathon? 
I didn't have any race goals until I was standing in my corral waiting for the race to start.  I decided my A goal would be to PR, because really, go big or go home, right?  My B goal was 3:15 or better.  My C goal was just to finish without dying.
I made my C goal:  3:20:20.  Yes, turtles in peanut butter run faster.  Bite me.
I had gotten a temp tattoo pace band from Jamba Juice at the expo for a three hour finish.  Again, go big or go home.  And for the first three miles I was right on target, even including a two minute bathroom break at three tenths of a mile into the race (I went at 7:45, official race start was 8:00 but by the time my corral started I had to pee again).  But at mile 4 we started going up and, well, let me demonstrate why I slowed down so dramatically.

Sorry, Blogger hates me and won't make this any bigger :P
I think by the end I was well into 16 or maybe 18 minute miles.  I developed a hot spot on the ball of my left foot which really started to hurt when I was walking.  It would stop hurting when I ran, but then my left calf would start cramping.  Lady or the tiger running!  So I would walk until I couldn't stand it any more and then run until I couldn't stand it any more, lather, rinse, repeat.  I did run all the downhill no matter what though; I feel obligated to.  Almost nobody else did by that point, which was weird:  It's gravity, people!
But I did finish.  See?

Can you see my massively puffy hands and arms?  Yep, forgot to take any electrolyte tabs before the race and to carry any with me, and the Gatorade on the course was -- as always -- much too strong.  Flashbacks of the 2011 Portland Marathon, I stopped at one sip.  I was carrying 10 oz of Powerade with me, otherwise I hit every water stop and often had two cups at each.  I really missed the electrolytes; somewhere around mile eight I could barely bend my pinky and ring fingers on my left hand.  Right after this picture I plunged my hands into one of the ice tubs where they had the Gatorade (in bottles, much better!). 

In other news, today was our second weigh in for the office Biggest Loser challenge.  We all owed a dollar to the kitty today.  I was up FOUR POUNDS from last Monday.  This, the day after a half marathon, and a weekend where I ate a lot lighter than normal.  Maybe I didn't get enough calories and my body is hoarding everything?  I still feel a few quarters low on fluids.  But still, CHUBB.  Look, here is last year's finisher's photo from a 3:06:36 finish:

Probably about ten pounds lighter here at least and in a helluva lot better shape...

I haven't even posted the worst photo from yesterday's race.  I'm saving that for a later, self-flagellating post. 

Despite everything I still feel a lot better than I should, all things considered, which to me means that I was definitely not giving it my all when I am in shape.  My 5K split from last year was 43:50, this year just a few seconds slower at 44:06 (and with a two minute potty break).  At 10K, last year 1:29:01, this year 1:30:32.  A full minute's pace slower overall this year.  I've got to work on (a) getting in shape and (b) pushing myself more when I am. 

Did you race this weekend?  How did it go?

the CilleyGirl

Friday, May 17, 2013

Because sometimes you just gotta say, "Why yes, I'll have that pink tequila that comes in a bottle shaped like a giant penis."

Isn't it beautiful?  Yes, the bottle is actually slightly lopsided.  This is Asombroso 100% agave tequila, La Rosa Respodo.  Three months Bordeaux barrel rested.  I have no idea what that means either.  Hand bottled in a limited edition bottle, no. 9,406.  It was just sitting there on a shelf by itself in the liquor store, a little dusty but I just HAD TO HAVE IT. 

My precious!

Taste testing starts around 4:30 in the conference room.  Be there or be thirsty!

the CilleyGirl

edited to give you a link to a MUCH better picture of the penis bottle

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Huh? What? Snork? Oh.

Some of you may have noticed that I have no idea what day it is.

I say "may" because nobody has commented on yesterday's post.  Hint, hint.  Which technically should be today's post.  So maybe you're going to comment today, is that it?

Comment whore alert!!

Seriously though, I've been a day off all damn week.  I think even on Monday I thought it was Tuesday.  I'll readily admit to being confused as to what year we're in -- this has to do with my job where I'm often working on a different year's assessments, to the point where I often have to ask myself "Are we in 2013 yet?"  And I also tend to lose track of the date, which is why I have calendars everywhere and a watch that tells me the date and time.  It even tells me the day of the week, which I do need occasionally because damn it, some days it just feels like a Friday.  But my delusions typically do not last this long.  Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday. 

There, all better now.

I have discovered a new addiction:  Subscription boxes.  Are you familiar with these things?  You pay a monthly fee and people send you various things in a box.  There's themes and everything.  Beauty, babies, food, pets, fitness.  It's the last one that's got me. 

I used to subscribe to KlutchClub, which is a health and fitness box.  I liked it okay, but with the exception of the Yurbuds which made it all worth it, most of the stuff didn't really blow up my skirt.  A lot of it was vegan and gluten-free which, great!  but that tended to translate into "vegan and gluten-free and chock full o' chemicals as a result."  I prefer actual food, thankyouverymuch. 

Today I decided to go looking for subscription boxes.  I knew about Kona Kase from my friend Kim, but wondered what else was out there.  Plenty, as I mentioned above.  I narrowed it down to four:  Kona Kase, Bulu Box, StrideBox, and Runnerbox.  (I could link all of those but it's not like I'd get paid for it and you all know how to Google so knock yourselves out.)  I decided to go with StrideBox and the Bulu Box weight-loss edition, the latter of which I'm thinking I'll end up doing for a couple of months and then cancel as I'm wary of weight loss supplements but am still curious about what they offer. 

I had just finished subscribing to those two, thinking I'd see what they had to offer and then maybe sign up with Kona Kase later, when I'm reading Kim's blog mere minutes later and she's there pushing Kona Kase.  A  Kona Kase Krack Kusher!  (no, that's not getting old)  Long story short, I harrassed thanked Kim for the Kona Kase discount kode and signed up for yet another box.  I had thought I might as well go sign up for the Runnerbox too, but turns out that they charge for shipping -- none of these others do -- so they're not getting my business.  At least not for now. 

I should be getting all kinds of goodies in June.  Hopefully I will like and use them all.  If not, I'm thinking us local runners should get together and have a swap party of whatever we don't like out of boxes.  And all that sounds way dirtier than I ever would've thought. 

There should also be tequila.

the CilleyGirl

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thirteen Things Thursday

1.  Y'all are just lucky I don't think Thirty Things Thursday is a good idea!

2.  Thanks for all the recent comments!  Amazing how once you stop posting about how crappy you feel all the time, etc., that people are interested to read the stuff that's not about that :)

3.  Speaking of crappy...  I continue to crawl out of the hole I had found myself in.  One of the insidious things about depression is you just don't realize you're in it until you're IN IT.  And often not until you're coming out the other side.  Depression is much better, mostly just a whisper.  Sinuses are good, asthma is under control.  And I finally made an appointment to see a new chiropractor, who hopefully will snap, crackle, and pop me out of this weeks-long headache I've had.  Something feels not quite right at the very base of my skull where the spiny things start.  Plus there's the source of the gigantic knots that my cute massage guy Kyle always finds in my shoulders.   And my low back.  Didn't I say I was feeling better?  I really am, I swear!

4.  Once this pesky persistent headache goes away, it will give me the oomph I need to cut back on my soda habit.  I haven't been horrible, almost always only two a day, but I'm drinking Diet Coke again and that doesn't do good things to my system.  If I can get back to just Pepsi Throwback -- minimal chemicals and real sugar, not HFCS -- then I only seem to want one a day, if that.  I think it's the real sugar that maybe makes it more satisfying?  I don't know.  But it's much easier to drink a case of Diet Coke than even two or three Pepsi Throwbacks.  Not that I want to drink a case... last time I did that there was a fifth of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum and the Muppet Christmas Carol involved and I woke up at 3:00 a.m. drunk and wired.

5.  Some of the headache could also be from grains.  I've slowly been consuming more and more over the past two months -- ever since I got so sick back in March.  Today my tummy is pointing out just why I don't eat a lot of that stuff typically.  Just this week I've had pasta salad, tortellini with scallops, bacon and mushrooms, burgers, and bagels.  Ugh.

6.  My grandfather isn't doing so well -- early onset Alzheimer's, starting definitely to set in where it's just a matter of time before he will have to go into care -- so I'll be making a high-speed run to Idaho in a few weeks.  I'll have to text Kim to see if she'll be at the airport on those days; we have a tequila bar to check out!

7.  And.... I've completely lost all my motivation for today.  Good thing I'm leaving early for the chiropractor's!

8.  Yep, still no motivation.

9.  I'm having this urge to run a marathon.  Which is good, because I'm running one in five months and two weeks.

10.  The fun thing about going to visit my grandparents is that it's chock full of the Standard American Diet.  Cereal for breakfast.  Toast too if you're lucky.  Sandwich for lunch?  Sure!  And don't forget buttered white Wonder bread with dinner, it really makes the meal.  I tend not to eat much at Grandma's.  Even before I learned that grains were the devil, I was never really a cereal person.  Always a bacon and eggs person.  And I like a good deli sandwich -- I love a great deli sandwich -- but not so much with the sandwiches at home or for school lunch.  It could have something to do with the sandwich-making materials we had at home:  mayo, white Wonder bread, plastic orange cheese, plastic lunch meat.  When I discovered fresh sliced rare roast beef at the deli counter?  Love at first sniff!

11.  That's not to say that Grandma has a horrible diet, just a typical American food pyramid diet.  There's a meat, there's always veggies.  Always leftover veggies too; my grandparents were both born shortly after 1930 and have that Great Depression mentality about waste.  I expect we'll have a frozen pizza or lasagna one night, probably rotisserie chicken the next.  My dad will probably want me to take him big grocery shopping at WalMart, and we'll pick up Burger King on the way back.  I think Grandpa is too sick to go for Chinese food like they (and I too) like to do when I visit.  His Alzheimer's has progressed slowly, it's been at least five years since he was diagnosed but it still seems too soon.  He hasn't had problems remembering people all that much so far, just the mechanics of life, like how to work the microwave or trying to change the channel on the TV with the telephone and vice versa.  I hate this disease.  He's only just 82.

12.  Have I mentioned how happy I am to be going to the chiropractor today?  I think my back knows I'm going because it's busting out all the aches and pains as the day goes on.

13.  In the next few days my coworker and I are starting a 30 day ab challenge.  We're going to do the ab work here in the office.  We may be a while each day.

the CilleyGirl

Monday, May 13, 2013

Things You Learn When Adding to Your Blogroll

I've been looking for new blogs to follow and as I search I'm learning a few things.  Such as:

1.  Everybody has a cute name.  I have yet to see a weight loss or fitness blogger named Ethel or Herman.  I think there may be an unexplored niche here...

2.  I really do not like blogs that are recipe after recipe filled with food porn pictures that aren't also food blogs.  On a weight loss journey and you want to share a recipe you like?  Post a picture, okay maybe two, and then the recipe.  We're just fine without more.  Photos of salt pouring midstream are boring.  And really, other than a commercial food blogger, who has time to do those kinds of posts?  Plus all the food porn makes us hungry.  I'm looking for inspiration, not an appetite stimulant!

3.  As I've mentioned, I do not like the uberly commercial blogs where everything or every other thing is a giveaway.  To me, they lose their authenticity, their voice.  It's hard to have a connection with the blogger when it seems they're telling you a story, only to have it segue into product placement.  "And speaking of nasty toenail fungus that my brother's cousin's uncle once had, Fungaway is a fabulous product!"  Giveaways are great, but don't become one big advertisement.

4.  I do like bloggers who understand that this is all one day at a time for most of us.  Maybe even one second at a time, if we're being honest.  People losing weight who just one day that switch flips for them and they never slip up, ever?  There is one well-known blogger who took charge of himself one day, but apparently never had a setback.  In a year.  Really?  I have loads of admiration for him, but he never quite rang true for me.  This shit is HARD.  Everybody is going to slip up, at least once.  The trick to being successful -- I suspect -- is to pick yourself back up and start all over again. 

5.  Sorry to those who have their blogs laid out this way, but I hate hate hate the ones where there is the post headline with a little blurb then beneath it two columns of headlines with little blurbs.  Why are you making me click?  Why must you hide behind the blurbs?  Why can I not type "blurb" correctly the first time around?

6.  I do like bloggers who are big, as in size.  I can relate.  While I truly admire those who have successfully completed their weight loss journeys, too many of those also morph into the commercial route and, again, lose their authentic voice.  But I found myself searching the 'net, saying "Where are the hefty girls?"  (and boys, I'm not discriminating)   These are the people who inspire me.  If you start a weight loss blog because you have to lose those stubborn 15 pounds, fuck you.  I will kill and eat you.

7.  There are way too many puns about weight loss and healthy living, and they are all somebody's blog title somewhere.  Some are extremely clever and some are.... repetitive. 

After all this, I did find a few great new blogs to read.  I really need some inspiration.  The depression is better though, for which I am very thankful.  Slept about twelve hours or so Friday night but was up later Saturday night and up earlier Sunday morning, got about a "normal" eight hours or so, and I even had the energy to cook and reorganize my garage.  It's been a LONG time since I've felt like that much activity.

We had our first week weigh-in for my office's Biggest Loser challenge.  There are four of us:  one is out of town, the other two gals lost weight, and I . . . gained 1.8 lbs.  I knew it was coming.  Not that I've been eating horrible or anything, in fact I ate rather lightly all weekend although more carbs than I usually have.  But I feel compelled to point out that (a) we're doing our weigh-ins fully clothed, including shoes; (b) I was wearing way heavier clothes today than from a week ago, given that it's about 20 degrees cooler here today; and (c) I start my period this week.  Normally my "official" weight that I do at home is stark nekkid and as empty as I can be.  Oh well.  Next week I'll be back down!

the CilleyGirl

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thirteen Things Thursday

1.  A brief rant here:  What in the hell makes men think they can treat women like that?  Kidnap your own personal sex slave?  It's beyond wrong, it should be inconceivable -- but apparently not.  And shit like elected officials talking about "legitimate" rape and thinking they have the right to legislate what we do with our own bodies that forms the foundation for evil men like Ariel Castro.  There is a story going on right now in this area about comments a Willamette University frat posted in a  Facebook group.  Other college campuses where reports of rape and sexual assault are deliberately suppressed.  The military.  Stand up for your rights, ladies.  We cannot allow ourselves to be treated like second class citizens -- or worse. 

2.  Girl kitty discovered last night the joy of licking the spout on the Keurig coffee maker.  She is obsessed with this Cafe Caramel coffee I have.  She stole a full K-cup and did her best to eat it.  She will stick her head into my mug if I'm not watching for her.  Now she can get it straight from the source.  Note to self:  Clean coffee maker!

3.  In my Monday post describing my snot situation, I forgot the most important news:  I started a Biggest Loser challenge at the office.  I read about how one blogger's office was doing it and thought it sounded like great motivation -- because it involves money.  How we are doing it is every one participating puts in $20.  We weigh in weekly for ten weeks.  If you gain weight in a week, you put another $1 in the pot.  If you lose weight, nothing.  Person with the greatest percentage of weight loss at the end wins the pot.  And probably buys everybody donuts. 

4.  Slightly bummed (but not surprised) by my starting weight, and then yesterday my clothes were just so snug.  I was grumpy.  Today I realized that Aunt Flo comes to town soon.  So now not so grumpy.  And eating a big cinnamon roll.  Somehow those two things are related, I swear.

5.  Started and finished the new Sookie Stackhouse book last night, which is the final book in the series.  I've read that a lot of people are unhappy with the ending -- won't spoil it for you -- but I think it's the only way it could have ended.  At least an ending that made Sookie happy.  There is another book coming out this fall that is supposed to tell what happened to every one (still living and/or not undead) in the Sookieverse.  I'm looking forward to that. 

6.  My all-time favorite series is Donna Andrews' Meg Langslow series.  I have to admit that if Ms. Andrews ever decides to bring Meg's story to a close we may be looking at Misery - The Sequel.  Seriously though, if you want a well-written, well-plotted mystery, go read her Murder With Peacocks.

7.  On my bucket list is to take a cruise, although I keep reading things that make me think maybe it's not such a good idea.  I am bolstered though by the fact that all of these cruise-ship incidents seem to take place over there  ----> and not in say the cruises to Alaska. 

8.  Did I mention earlier that I made clam chowder last weekend?  It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, and it turned out great.  Not low-cal by any means, but great.  Really good with cheesy garlic toast too.  Which I shouldn't be having.

9.  Sharks.  shudder

10.  Anyone have any good weight loss blogs they want to give a shout out to?  I culled out my reader list the other day, taking out people who haven't updated in months, and now I'm short on motivational stories.  I don't like the overly commercial ones, I prefer peeps like me who are currently overweight but unlike me are actually losing and running and stuff.  Leave me your faves in the comments.

11.  By the way, I didn't eat all of that cinnamon roll.  It was huge and extremely sweet.  I may have the rest tomorrow, else into the trash it goes. 

12.  Allie Brosh is back!  If you've never read her blog, Hyperbole and a Half, it is fabulous.  Go read it now.  Really.  I'll wait.  Are you back?  Isn't it fabulous?  Her post on depression -- I lived that.  For years.  Had a whole year of feeling nothing followed by several years of hating everything interspersed with the desire to do nothing because what is the point?  I'm living with the latter to a lesser degree right now.  It started just before Vegas and is still in full swing.  I would say I hate depression but it seems like too much effort.  I'm spending some time with good friends this weekend and I hope that tips me back the other way, into the land of normal people.

13.  A new tequila bar just opened up at the Portland Airport.  They say it is the largest tequila bar in any U.S. airport.  I'm feeling the need to take a trip...

the CilleyGirl

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Musings

I used that title because I can't do another post with "I'm alive!" as the header.  Even though I am.  Alive that is.

Lots going on and it's all trying to kill me, these extracurricular activities.  I've downloaded all my wedding/reception photos but haven't launched them into the Cloud yet so none to post here.  Or to send to the bride.  Eventually I will.  Right now it's too hot to use a laptop.  Makes your lap all sweaty and stuff.

I'm back on a massive dose of antibiotics as well as a daily double dose of nasal steroid spray.  Because why swallow your steroids when you can just snort them directly into your bloodstream?  And yes, injecting your steroids would also go directly into your bloodstream but these aren't those kind of steroids.  These are supposed to make your sinuses smaller.  Not your muscles bigger.  Although I guess those kind of steroids also make your balls shrink so maybe I don't fully understand the whole steroid thing.  Luckily I do not have actual balls, merely metaphysical ones. 

And they're HUGE.

Anyhow.  Sinuses better but me not so much.  Damn antibiotics make me tired as anything.  Plus I may be having a depressive thing.  I took an extra happy pill today to see if that helped.  Eh, maybe 50-50.  Right now I think the heat is sucking any of the energy I have left after taking the antibiotics.  Yes Kim, I am bitching about the heat already.  Some of us don't have air conditioning in our houses so neener.  And, invite me over ;)

Rock 'n Roll Half is in what, two weeks?  Hahahahahahahahahaha.  Yes, I am still doing it.  Should be fun!  Booked my MCM hotel last week, scored a decent deal at $129 a night.  Thinking about booking it for the whole week -- that was their regular rate and it comes with a kitchenette -- just in case my friend's couch ends up not being available.  Now I just have to start training again...

the CilleyGirl